Over the past few years, the AI governance landscape in Europe has advanced substantially: The EU AI Act is almost finalised and the development of harmonised standards to underpin the Act is underway. At the same time, a plethora of AI ethics and trustworthiness frameworks have emerged in a variety of consortiums as well as national and multi-national forums. EUREL members are home to numerous experts and activities in Artificial Intelligence. With AI expected to remain one of the key technology-driven disruptions for years to come, EUREL has created the Committee on AI and Digital Trust to exchange and coordinate insights and actions.
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EUREL Committee on AI and Digital Trust
What is the Committee working on?
Goal of the Committee is to take an important step beyond the ongoing discussion of the “optimum” way of governing and regulating AI in Europe for promoting the beneficial use of AI while mitigating downsides. The Committee is working for example on:
- Recognizing the limitations of solely focusing on AI technology or usage for addressing its downsides
- Prioritizing strategies for enhancing the resilience of the digital space against AI-generated deceptive content and bots
- Building necessary infrastructures and protocols for trust and identity in the digital space
- Exploring how industry can be supported in the implementation of AI regulation
- Considering broader perspectives on regulating generative AI
Our Committee
The Committee on AI and Digital Trust is chaired by Sebastian Hallensleben (Head of AI & Digital Trust at VDE, Chair of CEN-CENELEC JTC21, Co-Chair of OECD ONE.AI Risk & Accountability).