In today's world, Europe, along with the entire globe and future generations, grapples with significant energy, climate, and security policy challenges. It's clear that Electrical, Electronic, and Information Technology Engineers have a vital role to play in fostering stability and innovation. EUREL is about exploring, educating and shaping an inclusive, equitable and informative platform with our regularly eMeet-Ups, where we embark an empowering journey. Throughout our platform, we focus on developing advanced technological solutions, address the pressing challenges of climate change and shortage of Engineers, discuss new horizons for younger generations and celebrate remarkable achievements of women in the energy industry with high-level speakers.
EUREL eMeet-Ups
Our past eMeet-Ups
Take a look at what we have been working on the last years in our eMeet-Ups, with hot topics and high-level speakers from around the globe!
Upcoming eMeet-Ups in 2024
Look forward to more exciting eMeet-Ups in 2024, which will be updated regularly and join us as we navigate this journey towards a brighter tomorrow, together.