Prof. Dr. Bernhard Jakoby, Head of the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsensors at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, puts the focus of his EUREL Presidency on the promotion of young talent: "Europe has always been fertile ground for progress and thus also for research and innovation. However, to maintain this role, we must succeed in getting more young people at all levels interested in STEM subjects and especially in electrical engineering."
About OVE - Austrian Electrotechnical Association
OVE, the Austrian Electrotechnical Association, unites enterprises and institutions as well as experts and interested parties from the entire field of electrical engineering. The Association promotes the reputation of the entire line of business, the development of the profession as well as the progress of technology and science and deals with current challenges of electrical engineering and information technology. OVE was founded in 1883 and is based in Vienna. The association is organised by different societies which give a platform to all branches of electrical engineering and stimulate the dialogue between science, economy and the interested public. OEK, the Austrian Electrotechnical Committee, is part of OVE, and represents Austrian economy and guarantees the compliance with national as well as international standards and guidelines in an objective and independent manner.