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EUREL 2021
2021-07-29 Webcontent

EUREL publishes 2 position papers on hidden electronics and photonics

Call to the politicians for a European long-term vision on micro-electronics and photonics: The goal must be to achieve technological sovereignty in the two key technologies of microelectronics and photonic-electronic integration and channel this into new business models. By combining these key technologies intelligently, our industry has the chance to become the global market leader.

EUREL Secretary General

Position papers on hidden electronics and photonics

“If we are strong in photonic-electronic integration, our industrial sector will have an entirely different negotiating scope in a globalized world market,” recommends our experts, which see the geopolitical situation as increasingly difficult.

About micro-electronics: “The system-relevant chip industry affects the entire national economy. The current crisis in the automotive sector shows just how dependent our industries are on semiconductor manufacturers in Asia and the United States,” our experts explain. In the new position paper “Hidden Electronics II”, the technology experts analyze the status quo of microelectronics and show how Europe can achieve technological sovereignty – if only they have the necessary political will.

About photonic-electronic integration: “Photonic-electronic integration is currently still at an intermediate stage around the world, anything is still possible. We need to establish targeted support programs to research photonic-electronic integrated solutions for communications and sensors in industry-led joint projects and get them ready for use in applications. We can back up our industrial sector with a strong position in research and development to further expand on our already solid standing,” announce EUREL experts while presenting our new position paper on the importance of photonics.

It is time to act and make Europe a hub for the microelectronics industry. A first step in this direction would be the establishment of “Electronics for Europe” masterplan at the European political level.